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Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy: Causes, Symptoms, and Diagnosis

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alcoholic cardiomyopathy

Measuring blood alcohol concentration in an acute intoxication gives baseline information but does not permit deductions to chronic misuse. Markers for chronic alcohol consumption rely on liver enzymes such as gamma-glutamyltransferase (GGT) [119], glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (GOT), and glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT). Elevations of the transaminases (GOT, GPT), especially a ratio of GOT/GPT higher than 2 might be indicative of alcoholic liver disease instead of liver disease from other etiologies [120, 121].

  • To avoid alcoholic cardiomyopathy, abstain from alcohol or drink in moderation.
  • To maintain abstinence, recent investigations suggest the benefits of adjuvant medications, e.
  • The final damage is an equilibrium between the intensity of damaging effects and the possibility of defense, plasticity, regeneration, and adaptation for every specific organ [29,30,31].
  • The lowest prevalence of ACM among DCM (3.8%) was obtained from a series of 673 patients admitted to hospital consecutively due to HF in the state of Maryland[27].
  • MT is a zinc regulatory protein with release of zinc under oxidative stress.
  • However, these new strategies have not yet demonstrated their real effectiveness in clinical trials, require further evaluation, and are not approved for clinical use [147].

Acute vs. chronic

  • Moreover, there is a decrease in the left ventricular mass index and ejection fraction, falling below the normal range.
  • Acute or chronic right heart failure leads to elevation of liver enzymes most likely due to liver congestion, whereas  cirrhosis due to cardiac disease is infrequent.
  • The heart output is progressively lower in a dose-dependent relationship with the lifetime accumulated total dose of alcohol consumed [38].
  • G., in medieval times, when people took advantage of the vasodilating properties of alcohol to treat angina pectoris or heart failure.
  • It was described as a form of DCM with severe pericardial effusion, low cardiac output, and purplish skin coloration.

The only way to cure alcohol-induced cardiomyopathy is with a heart transplant. However, this is usually not an option because there are so few hearts available from organ donors. For that reason, transplant programs have very strict list requirements to qualify for a transplant and abstaining from alcohol is almost always on those lists. Changes in your heart’s shape can also disrupt that organ’s electrical system. An electrical current travels through your entire heart with every heartbeat, causing each part of the heart to squeeze in a specific sequence.

6. Cardiac Hypertrophy and Remodeling in ACM

This causes a decrease in sarcolemmal contraction and also disturbance in other intercellular organelles dependent of i.c. As an adaptive process, chronic alcohol consumption induces up-regulation of myocardial alcoholic cardiomyopathy L-type [Ca 2+] channel receptors, whose activity decreases in the presence of cardiomyopathy [103]. In fact, the particular effects that ethanol produces in a specific organ depend on several factors [18,19].

alcoholic cardiomyopathy

How we reviewed this article:

It is a type of dilated cardiomyopathy since it involves dilation or enlargement of one of the heart’s chambers. In the mid-1960s, another unexpected heart failure epidemic among chronic, heavy beer drinkers occurred in two cities in the USA, in Quebec, Canada, and in Belgium. It was characterized by congestive heart failure, pericardial effusion, and an elevated hemoglobin concentration.

Differential Diagnosis

The latest two papers to be published, unlike previous papers, reported worse outcomes for ACM patients compared to DCM patients. In the first of these studies, Fauchier et al[11] studied 50 patients with ACM and 84 patients with DCM between 1986 and 1997. Although up to 81% of ACM patients received an ACEI, none received beta-blockers and the use of spironolactone was not specified, although it was probably quite low. Also, current common cardiac therapies such as ICD and CRT devices were not used because of the period when the study was conducted.

alcoholic cardiomyopathy

A Look At Alcoholic Cardiomyopathy: Causes & Treatment

This altogether supports a causal relationship between alcohol consumption and a hypertensive state. Thus, although there is a certain degree of consensus regarding the recommendation of full alcohol withdrawal in ACM, it is yet to be resolved whether moderate alcohol consumption is sufficient to achieve an improvement in the prognosis of these patients. Guillo et al[17] in 1997 described the evolution of 9 ACM patients who had been admitted. He divided this cohort into two groups according to the evolution of the ejection fraction during 36 mo in which no deaths were recorded. The 6 subjects who experienced a clear improvement in their ejection fraction had fully refrained from drinking. Conversely, the 3 subjects recording a less satisfactory evolution had persisted in their consumption of alcohol.

alcoholic cardiomyopathy

2. Is ethanol the Real Cause of ACM

Coronary artery disease and atherosclerosis

alcoholic cardiomyopathy


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